This species is found in north Madagascar. Found in a number of discontinuous pockets in northeastern and northwestern Madagascar. It is known (at least formerly) from the forests of Ankarana and Analamerana in the far north (and possibly in the Ankarana Massif as well); the Sambirano region (from south of Maromandia north through Beramanja and other areas west), the Ampasindava Peninsula, and the Sahamalaza region (north of the Andranomalaza River) in the northwest; the Tsiombikibo, Baie de Baly, Tsingy de Namaroka and Bongolava regions in the central-west between the Mahavavy and Tsiribihina Rivers; Masoala, Maroansetra and Ile Roger (Aye-aye Island) in the northeast; and as far south as Zahamena and Marovohangy near Lake Alaotra (Tattersall 1982; Hawkins
et al. 1990, 1998; Rakotoarison
et al. 1993; Curtis
et al. 1995; Rabarivola
et al.2007; C. Schwitzer, pers. obs.).
Razanatsila (2012) reports that the species is easy to see in Nosy Faly Peninsula and Manongarivo Special reserve. Recent surveys demonstrate the presence of the species in many unprotected forests in the northern area of the island including the regions of Sava, Sofia and Diana: Beramanja, Ileviky (Ambilobe), Antsakay-Kalabenono, Bobakindro, Fanambana, Andrakata and Antalaha. The species is also seen in Bealanana corridor.
Rights Holder: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Bibliographic Citation: Andriaholinirina, N., Baden, A., Blanco, M., Chikhi, L., Cooke, A., Davies, N., Dolch, R., Donati, G., Ganzhorn, J., Golden, C., Groeneveld, L.F., Hapke, A., Irwin, M., Johnson, S., Kappeler, P., King, T., Lewis, R., Louis, E.E., Markolf, M., Mass, V., Mittermeier, R.A., Nichols, R., Patel, E., Rabarivola, C.J., Raharivololona, B., Rajaobelina, S., Rakotoarisoa, G., Rakotomanga, B., Rakotonanahary, J., Rakotondrainibe, H., Rakotondratsimba, G., Rakotondratsimba, M., Rakotonirina, L., Ralainasolo, F.B., Ralison, J., Ramahaleo, T., Ranaivoarisoa, J.F., Randrianahaleo, S.I., Randrianambinina, B., Randrianarimanana, L., Randrianasolo, H., Randriatahina, G., Rasamimananana, H., Rasolofoharivelo, T., Rasoloharijaona, S., Ratelolahy, F., Ratsimbazafy, J., Ratsimbazafy, N., Razafindraibe, H., Razafindramanana, J., Rowe, N., Salmona, J., Seiler, M., Volampeno, S., Wright, P., Youssouf, J., Zaonarivelo, J. & Zaramody, A. 2014.
Hapalemur occidentalis. In: IUCN 2014 . IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1 . <>