Endemic to Madagascar. Distributed over most of western Madagascar and reaching into some parts of the north and the southern-central highlands where dry conditions prevail. Occurs below 800m asl (IUCN 2008). Found in Ambalavao, Andafiabe, Andavaka, Andohahela, Andranohinaly, Ankarafantsika (Ampijoroa, Ankarokaroka, Antsiloky, Lac Tsimaloto), Ankarana, Antranopasasy, Antsirasira, Baly, Benavony, Bendrao Forest, Berenty, between Ejeda - Ampanihy, Cap Sada, Ifaty, Ilovo, Isalo, Itremo, Kirindy, Mahajanga, Marofandilia, Montagne des Français, Pic St. Louis, Port Bergé Vaovao, Ranohira, Soalala, Toliara, Vohibasia forest, West of Ihosy, Zombitse. Mostly occurs in open areas.
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