Phalacrocorax carunculatus is endemic to
New Zealand, where 92% of the population breeds on White Rocks, Sentinel Rock, Duffers Reef and Trio Islands, in the Marlborough Sounds, with two smaller colonies off D'Urville Island (Schuckard 1998, 2006)
. Birds formerly bred at D'Urville Peninsula and Te Kuru Kuru Island (Taylor 2000)
. Surveys between 1992 and 2002 indicate a population of c.645 birds, including 102-126 breeding pairs (Schuckard 1998, 2006)
. Numbers are believed to have remained stable over the last 50 years (historical counts are lower, probably because they were conducted at different times of day) (Schuckard 1994, 1998)
. The maximum feeding distance from the Duffers Reef colony is 24 km (Schuckard 1994)
Rights Holder: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Bibliographic Citation: BirdLife International 2012.
Phalacrocorax carunculatus. In: IUCN 2014 . IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1 . <>