Western North America. The Varied Thrush breeds from Northern California north to the extent of the boreal forests in Alaska and the Yukon Territory. They range east into Idaho and western Montana and Alberta (Finley, 1936). Varied Thrushes are known to overwinter as far south as Southern California. These birds occasionally stray to eastern North America and have been recorded in every Canadian Province except Newfoundland and in every U.S. state except Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina and Hawaii (George, 2000).
There may be four distinct subspecies of Varied Thrushes:
Ixoreus naevius naevius, a subspecies that breeds in southeast Alaska and along the coastline south to northern California,
Ixoreus naevius meruloides, a subspecies that breeds from interior Alaska south through interior British Columbia and into northwestern Montana, northern Idaho, eastern Washington and northeastern Oregon,
Ixoreus naevius carlottae, a subspecies that breeds on Queen Charlotte Island, British Columbia and
Ixoreus naevius godfreii, a subspecies that breeds from southern interior British Columbia to eastern Washington and western Montana (George, 2000).
Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native )
Rights Holder: The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Bibliographic Citation: Gaebel, D. 2001. "Ixoreus naevius" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at
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