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Gaur (Bos frontalis)

Gaur (Bos frontalis)

Gaur (Bos frontalis)

Class: Mammalia
Family: Bovidae
Common Name: Gaur
Genus: Bos
Species Name: frontalis

About The Gaur

Bos gaurus, commonly known as Gaur, is the biggest species in the Bovidae family (Ramesh et. al, 2012).  Gaurs can be found in parts of India, and from Nepal to the mainland of Malaysia (Imam and Kushwaha, 2013; Duckworth et al., 2008).  Two most notable characteristics of the Gaur are the horns, and the ridge between the shoulders.  The horns grow out to the sides and curve upwards.  A large hollow forms on the top of the Gaur’s head because of the horns.  Measuring from the ridge, a Gaur can stand between 67-87 inches tall.  The length of a Gaur is anywhere from 98-130 inches while the tail can be as long as 41 inches, but no shorter than 28 inches.  A Gaur’s hair in general is shiny and smooth.  Calves, and cows have light brown hair.  Bulls have brown to black hair, which darkens with age.  The hair on their legs is short and white.   Their hooves are pointed and white. (Lydekker et al., 1888; Gad & Shyama, 2013; Smith & Xie, 2008).

                Gaurs are sexually dimorphic.  Bulls weigh about 2200 – 3300 lbs (Gad & Shyama, 2010).  They appear dark brown to black.  Their hair both thins and darkens as it ages.  Following the outer curve, horns grow to an average of 22 inches; however, horn has no distinct average (Lydekker et al., 1888).  Cows are much smaller, weighing 1540 - 2200 lbs (Gad & Shyama, 2010).  Cows are consistently light brown, and the horns are smaller than the bulls.  Before sexual maturation there is no difference between female and male calves (Lydekker et al., 1888).

Rights Holder: JWhit13

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