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Watkins Glen State Park, New York (Center on Interactive Map)

Map of Watkins Glen State Park, New York

Map of Watkins Glen State Park, New York

Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans)  Red-spotted Admiral (Limenitis arthemis)

Slot Canyon.

Species Recorded (15)

Birds ( 12 )

New World Vultures ( Cathartidae )
Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura

Piculets and Woodpeckers ( Picidae )
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus

Tyrant Flycatchers ( Tyrannidae )
Eastern Phoebe - Sayornis phoebe

Jays and Crows ( Corvidae )
American Crow - Corvus brachyrhynchos
Common Raven - Corvus corax
Blue Jay - Cyanocitta cristata

Wrens ( Troglodytidae )
Carolina Wren - Thryothorus ludovicianus

Thrushes and Allies ( Turdidae )
American Robin - Turdus migratorius

Starlings and Mynas ( Sturnidae )
European Starling - Sturnus vulgaris

Vireos ( Vireonidae )
Red-eyed Vireo - Vireo olivaceus

Brushfinches, Seedeaters, Sparrows, and Allies ( Emberizinae )
Dark-eyed Junco - Junco hyemalis

American Blackbirds and Orioles ( Icteridae )
Brown-headed Cowbird - Molothrus ater


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