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Apui, Indonesia (
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Map of Apui, Indonesia
Map of Apui, Indonesia
Apui Villagers
Apui Market - Shopping for Casava and Eggs
Apui Mountain
Apui Campsite
Apui Smokers
At the Campsite
Apui - Firetending
Apui Villagers
Apui Coffee Shop
Hot Springs Casava Cookoff
Alor Hot Springs Cooking
Alor Hot Springs
Barbara Receives Gift
Mysterious Ancient Jars
More Coffee
Alor Hot Springs
Huntsman Spider (
Heteropodina sp
Timor Cuckoo-Dove (
Macropygia magna
Olive-headed Lorikeet (
Trichoglossus euteles
Darkling Beetle (
Opatrini sp
Flores Hawk-Eagle (
Nisaetus floris
Alor Myzomela (
Myzomela prawiradilagae
Black-fronted Flowerpecker (
Dicaeum igniferum
Australian Spectacled Monarch (
Symposiachrus trivirgatus
: We had a bit of trouble trying to arrange a trip to the top of Alor. We were talking to one guide, but he got very needy calling multiple times all hours of the night. He also did not seem to understand what we were trying to do. He started sending me some Bahasa insults on Whatsapp, which I really appreciated, sometimes it is hard to learn swear words in other languages.
Anyway, we got another guy, Gabrial. He had never guided birders before, but he was determined to try. Gabrial made a lot of special efforts on this trip, and he used his camera to document the action.
We drove up to the top of the mountain where he talked to some villagers and got us overnight camping in the forest (at their garden).
Before we could visit this forest, we got to meet I think the entire village. And, we were shown some miraculous ancient jars that had sprouted from the ground near the village.
We proceeded toward the camp site which was down a very steep hill, and once we were down there, it was clear that we would not be able to easily see any birds in the dense forest there.
All was not lost, however, as I walked back up the giant hill to get a better view of the tree tops.
During the dry season, the villagers put sedatives (not sure which drug, but it comes from the pharmacy) into a small watering hole. Pigeons come in to drink the water, and then they become lethargic from the drugs. The drugged birds are gathered for the dinner pot.
: We woke up early to leave the camp in the middle of the forest. I was having a tough time convincing the guide that the bird I was looking for (Myzomela) could best be seen from the overlook on the road.
Next thing you know we were wasting a bunch of time in a local market. We took a break, of course, to drink coffee made by camp stove on the side of the road.
After a bit, we drove down to a house that was supposed to have birds. The first bird we saw was the wings from a boobook that was presumably shot. I opted out of visiting this farm and walked around a bit on the road.
Later, we drove all around on rough roads to visit some steam vents. The idea was to cook eggs and casava in the steam, which of course, did not work.
We stopped into a shop selling some knick knacks. More wildlife offense as they were selling a bunch of sea turtle shells in that shop. I mentioned how we would not be buying anything from a shop that is exploiting wildlife. This started another conversation where the guide mentioned that everyone was going to the east side of the island to hunt whimbrels and curlews.
Finally, we ended up over near the airport where I walked around on the beach.
Previous Visit (Pulau Nuhakepa: 8/26/2024)
Next Visit (Mali Airport: 8/27/2024)
Species Recorded (33)
Birds ( 31 )
Honeyeaters ( Meliphagidae )
Brown Honeyeater -
Lichmera indistincta
Alor Myzomela -
Myzomela prawiradilagae
Helmeted Friarbird -
Philemon buceroides
Bush Warblers ( Locustellidae )
Javan Bush Warbler -
Locustella montis
Whistlers ( Pachycephalidae )
Tenggara Whistler -
Pachycephala calliope
Old World Flycatchers and Chats ( Muscicapidae )
Pied Bushchat -
Saxicola caprata
Psittaculidae ( Psittaculidae )
Olive-headed Lorikeet -
Trichoglossus euteles
Flowerpeckers ( Dicaeidae )
Black-fronted Flowerpecker -
Dicaeum igniferum
Hawks, Eagles, and Kites ( Accipitridae )
Flores Hawk-Eagle -
Nisaetus floris
Pigeons and Doves ( Columbidae )
Asian Emerald Dove -
Chalcophaps indica
Barred Dove -
Geopelia maugeus
Timor Cuckoo-Dove -
Macropygia magna
Black-naped Fruit-Dove -
Ptilinopus melanospilus
Flores Green-Pigeon -
Treron floris
Typical Owls ( Strigidae )
Alor Boobook -
Ninox plesseni
Swifts ( Apodidae )
Drab Swiftlet -
Collocalia neglecta
Sunbirds ( Nectariniidae )
Flame-breasted Sunbird -
Cinnyris solaris
Bee-eaters ( Meropidae )
Rainbow Bee-eater -
Merops ornatus
Paradise-flycatcher ( Monarchidae )
Australian Spectacled Monarch -
Symposiachrus trivirgatus
Swallows ( Hirundinidae )
Pacific Swallow -
Hirundo javanica
Barn Swallow -
Hirundo rustica
White-eyes ( Zosteropidae )
Ashy-bellied White-eye -
Zosterops citrinella
Jays and Crows ( Corvidae )
White-breasted Woodswallow -
Artamus leucorynchus
Large-billed Crow -
Corvus macrorhynchos
Fantails ( Rhipiduridae )
Supertramp Fantail -
Rhipidura semicollaris
Chickadees and Titmice ( Paridae )
Asian Tit -
Parus cinereus
Old World Warblers and Gnatcatchers ( Sylviidae )
Timor Stubtail -
Urosphena subulata
Thrushes and Allies ( Turdidae )
Little Pied Flycatcher -
Ficedula westermanni
Starlings and Mynas ( Sturnidae )
Short-tailed Starling -
Aplonis minor
( Pittidae )
Ornate Pitta -
Pitta concinna
( Pardalotidae )
Golden-bellied Gerygone -
Gerygone sulphurea