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Presidio - Fort Scott, San Francisco (Center on Interactive Map)

Map of Presidio - Fort Scott, San Francisco

Map of Presidio - Fort Scott, San Francisco

Huttons Vireo (Vireo huttoni) Northern Parula (Setophaga americana)


Species Recorded (40)

Birds ( 40 )

Kites, Hawks, Eagles, and Allies ( Acciptridae )
Red-shouldered Hawk - Buteo lineatus

Pigeons and Doves ( Columbidae )
Eurasian Collared-Dove - Streptopelia decaocto

Hummingbirds ( Trochilidae )
Anna's Hummingbird - Calypte anna

Tyrant Flycatchers ( Tyrannidae )
Western Flycatcher - Empidonax difficilis
Gray Flycatcher - Empidonax wrightii
Black Phoebe - Sayornis nigricans

Jays and Crows ( Corvidae )
California Scrub-Jay - Aphelocoma californica
Common Raven - Corvus corax
Steller's Jay - Cyanocitta stelleri

Chickadees and Titmice ( Paridae )
Chestnut-backed Chickadee - Poecile rufescens

Bushtits ( Aegithalidae )
Bushtit - Psaltriparus minimus

Nuthatches ( Sittidae )
Pygmy Nuthatch - Sitta pygmaea

Treecreepers ( Certhiidae )
Brown Creeper - Certhia americana

Wrens ( Troglodytidae )
Pacific Wren - Troglodytes pacificus

Thrushes and Allies ( Turdidae )
Hermit Thrush - Catharus guttatus
Swainson's Thrush - Catharus ustulatus
American Robin - Turdus migratorius

Mockingbirds, Thrashers, and Allies ( Mimidae )
Northern Mockingbird - Mimus polyglottos
Brown Thrasher - Toxostoma rufum

Waxwings ( Bombycillidae )
Cedar Waxwing - Bombycilla cedrorum

Vireos ( Vireonidae )
Warbling Vireo - Vireo gilvus
Hutton's Vireo - Vireo huttoni

Wood-warblers ( Parulidae )
Canada Warbler - Cardellina canadensis
Wilson's Warbler - Cardellina pusilla
Tennessee Warbler - Leiothlypis peregrina
Northern Parula - Setophaga americana
Yellow-rumped Warbler - Setophaga coronata
Prairie Warbler - Setophaga discolor
Yellow Warbler - Setophaga petechia
Townsend's Warbler - Setophaga townsendi

Tanagers ( Thraupidae )
Western Tanager - Piranga ludoviciana

Grosbeaks and Buntings ( Cardinalidae )
Black-headed Grosbeak - Pheucticus melanocephalus

Brushfinches, Seedeaters, Sparrows, and Allies ( Emberizinae )
Dark-eyed Junco - Junco hyemalis
Lincoln's Sparrow - Melospiza lincolnii
Song Sparrow - Melospiza melodia
California Towhee - Melozone crissalis
Fox Sparrow - Passerella iliaca
Spotted Towhee - Pipilo maculatus
White-crowned Sparrow - Zonotrichia leucophrys

Cardueline Finches and Allies ( Fringillidae )
House Finch - Haemorhous mexicanus


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San Francisco
United States


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