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Antarctica - Paulet Island, Antarctica (
Center on Interactive Map
Map of Antarctica - Paulet Island, Antarctica
Map of Antarctica - Paulet Island, Antarctica
Paulet Island
Sea Ice
Adelie Penguin (
Pygoscelis adeliae
Adelie Penguin (
Pygoscelis adeliae
Snow Petrel (
Pagodroma nivea
Weddell Seal (
Leptonychotes weddellii
Weddell Seal (
Leptonychotes weddellii
Antarctic Shag (
Leucocarbo bransfieldensis
Adelie Penguin (
Pygoscelis adeliae
) - On Egg
Adelie Penguin (
Pygoscelis adeliae
) - Don't want your rock
Island full of penguins
Antarctica and Argentina
: We were able to land on the second penguin island for a bit. While I was sitting near the penguin colony, a penguin came over and bit my foot. I did not make it to the end of the trail, so I missed out on getting a good photo of a Chinstrap Penguin that I guess was there.
We followed that up driving around the zodiac to get close to some seals.
Afterwards, we drove through a bunch of icebergs en route to the Antarctic Peninsula.
Previous Visit (Antarctica - Danger Islands: 12/6/2021)
Next Visit (Antarctica - Brown Bluff: 12/7/2021)
Species Recorded (11)
Birds ( 10 )
Penguins ( Spheniscidae )
Adelie Penguin -
Pygoscelis adeliae
Albatrosses ( Diomedeidae )
Cape Petrel -
Daption capense
Snow Petrel -
Pagodroma nivea
Shearwaters and Petrels ( Procellariidae )
Southern Fulmar -
Fulmarus glacialoides
Southern Giant-Petrel -
Macronectes giganteus
Storm Petrels ( Hydrobatidae )
Wilson's Storm-Petrel -
Oceanites oceanicus
Cormorants ( Phalacrocoracidae )
Antarctic Shag -
Leucocarbo bransfieldensis
Jaegers and Skuas ( Stercorariidae )
Brown Skua -
Stercorarius antarcticus
South Polar Skua -
Stercorarius maccormicki
Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers ( Laridae )
Kelp Gull -
Larus dominicanus
Southern Ocean