This species was discovered in 1992 in the Maromiza Forest, close to the Rserve Spciale d'Analamazaotra in the central area of the eastern rain forest of Madagascar (Goodman et al. 1996). It has subsequently been found to be restricted to, but relatively widespread in, the eastern part of the island from Anjanaharibe-Sud in the north to Andohahela in the south, being recorded from eight localities including six nature reserves, although it may well occur in areas to the north and south of its currently known range (Goodman et al. 1996).
Rights Holder: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Bibliographic Citation: BirdLife International 2012.
Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi. In: IUCN 2014 . IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1 . <>