Hyetornis rufigularis occurs in Hispaniola (
Haiti and the
Dominican Republic), and apparently suffered a dramatic decline in range and numbers during the 20th century. It is considered extremely rare, if not extinct, in Haiti, and has already been extirpated from Gonâve Island. There are two known sites that support breeding populations, near the village of Puerto Escondido on the northern slope of Sierra de Bahorucos and near the village of Rio Limpio at the base of Nalga de Maco National Park on the lower northern slope of the Cordillera Central (L. Woolaver
in litt. 2007)
. Both known populations are very small (likely to be less than 50 pairs at each site) (L. Woolaver
in litt. 2007)
. Based on current knowledge, it is extremely localised, but there may still be other populations throughout the island, such as at El Tetero on the lower southern slope of the Cordillera Central on the edge of José del Carmen Ramírez National Park, where there have been convincing local reports (L. Woolaver
in litt. 2007)
Rights Holder: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Bibliographic Citation: BirdLife International 2013.
Coccyzus rufigularis. In: IUCN 2014 . IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1 . <