Microchera albocoronata is a small hummingbird, averaging 6.5 cm long and weighing 2.5 g (Stiles & Skutch 1989). Males can be easily identified with its metallic red coloration and white crown. Females can be identified by the metallic green upper surface, greyish white underparts, and bronze on the upper tail coverts (Wetmore 1968). It can be found from Southern Honduras to Western Panama in forest habitats, usually foraging in the canopy of tropical moist montane forests (Fogden & Fogden 2005). It is fairly uncommon on the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica between 300 and 900 m elevation (Garrigues & Dean 2014). Microchera albocoronata is considered a nectarivorous hummingbird, feeding mainly on small flowers (Garrigues & Dean 2014), as well as arthropods (Remsen et al. 1986). Nests are generally cup-shaped, made from numerous fibrous materials such as lichens, moss, tree ferns, and spider webs. These nests hang from trees, and eggs are long and elliptical (Marin & Schmitt 1991). They are considered of least concern in terms of conservation status (BirdLife International 2012).
Rights Holder: Nicole Reber