Common Name:
Madagascar Plover
Species Name:
About The Madagascar Plover
Often found alone, in pairs, or occasionally seen in small groups, the Madagascar plover feeds on insects (3). It roosts in groups on sand spits facing the sea or a lake, or on dunes covered with creeping vegetation, often with other shorebirds (3). December to April is the most important breeding period for the Madagascar plover, which coincides with the wet season and, presumably, an abundance of food (5). Nests are situated in dry grassland, between 2 and 50 metres from the coast or a lake, and are simple scrapes in the ground lined with dry or fresh plant material, or sometimes small stones and pieces of shell (5). Two clutches of eggs are generally laid every year (2), each consisting of two dull tan-coloured eggs patterned with brown (3). Both parents help incubate their precious brood for a period of around 27 days and will defend the nest from other plovers such as Kittliz's plover (Charadrius pecuarius)and the white-fronted plover (Charadrius marginatus) (5). Madagascar plover chicks have whitish down with black spots (3), and fledge at around a month old. Until they fledge, the eggs and chicks are very vulnerable to predators, such as raptors and possibly mongoose, feral cats and dogs (5).
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