Polihierax semitorquatus, the African pygmy falcon, is native to two separate regions of Africa: northeastern Africa including Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania; and southwestern Africa including Namibia, Botswana, Angola, and Cape Province. This species is generally non-migratory. Polihierax semitorquatas shares its geographic range with the range of social weavers, Philetairus socius, in southern Africa, and white-headed buffalo weavers, Dinemellia dinemelli, in northern Africa.
Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )
Rights Holder: The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
Bibliographic Citation: Davieau, D. 2008. "Polihierax semitorquatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at
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