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Fallow Deer (Dama dama)

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Class: Mammalia
Family: Cervidae
Common Name: Fallow Deer
Genus: Dama
Species Name: dama

About The Fallow Deer

Like many species of deer, the fallow deer is active throughout the 24-hour period, but in areas where human disturbance is high, they tend to be more active at night (2). They typically graze on grasses and rushes, but may also browse on young leaves, and also take cereals, berries and acorns (3). For most of the year, males and females occur in separate single-sex groups, and large herds can aggregate in open areas where there is plenty of food (3). The breeding season, or 'rut' occurs between October and November (3); Males hold 'rutting stands' to defend groups of females (6). Rutting behaviour involves displaying, including groaning contests and parallel walks, escalating to physical contests in which the males lock antlers and push each other (2). One calf is usually produced during June or July (3).

Rights Holder: Wildscreen

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All white deer for lazy hunters.


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